For years I have been involved in launching link building, link earning and Digital PR campaigns for SMEs and individuals who want to increase the visibility of their website and climb their positioning on Google. For this I develop customized backlink acquisition strategies for each reality, to achieve business objectives and the best possible SEO results.
Link building service..
When it comes to SEO consultancy, it is essential to talk about link building, literally building links, or rather the activity of acquiring links pointing to your website. The link building service that I propose consists precisely in obtaining backlinks from other authoritative portals and quality sites to your site, so as to improve its organic positioning and be able to reach the top positions.
Inbound links are, in fact, one of the most important factors in positioning, and, in some niches, they are still the first of these, which means that a well-developed link building service allows you to obtain an incredible improvement in your positioning. The acquisition of links is divided into two different types: building and earning. Link earning means obtaining links spontaneously, or creating quality content, whether these articles, infographics or other, which are linked from other sites and blogs without any intervention other than Digital PR and dissemination / sharing. However, this is not possible in all areas and is very difficult to achieve on a new and unknown site.
This is why link building activities are fundamental, in order to create a quality link profile through which an authoritative website with great positioning skills is created.
Why links are important
Backlinks are the veins of search engines and are of considerable importance on the SEO side, because they determine one of the most important characteristics that a site must possess, namely its authority. If a site manages to obtain a large amount of (valuable) links, it means that it is worthy of receiving them and offers quality content and services, appreciated by the many other sites that have linked it.
This allows Google to understand if the site is worthy of ranking in the top positions or not. A site with excellent link popularity, a quality link profile, themed with its sector and clean, is a website that will certainly be appreciated by Google, which will reward it by placing it in the best positions.
How I carry out the link building service
Links are a precious resource that if used correctly can lead to enormous benefits, but can also be a double-edged sword if used unconsciously. For this start, for each new project that is entrusted to me, with the development of a precise link acquisition strategy developed on the basis of the analysis of the current backlinks, competitors and the sector, so as not to run into penalties and develop the most intelligent campaigns and profitable.
Work going through several stages:
1. Development of the link building strategy
In all Web Marketing activities, the development of strategies is fundamental, and this is even more valid in SEO consultancy, where a large phase of analysis, study and design is required to move on to real activities. For this I reserve, on average, about ten days to study the competitors, analyze and, if necessary, clean the customer's link profile, and then move on to the strategy structuring phase.
2. Collection of profiled sites and their analysis
Personally, I believe the strategy is the most important phase of all, but the analysis of the sites from which to obtain links is equally important. This is because the analysis of the sites allows you to identify which are the most authoritative sources, with clean link profiles, thematic links and other parameters that determine the goodness of a link.
3. Link insertion and content creation
The acquisition of the backlinks will be done consciously, always trying to maintain a clean link profile, which respects the right proportions between branded and manipulative links. For this reason, the service can take several months to be carried out correctly and, hypothetically, it may never stop. A link can be inserted anywhere but what I offer is a completely different service, in which particularly long and thematic textual contents are created, which exploit all link building techniques to obtain the maximum benefit (co-occurrences, text written in an SEO perspective on important keywords and so on) or infographics of great value.
4. Analysis, monitoring and reporting
In SEO, analyzes and controls are a fundamental phase, because they allow you to study improvements and understand what works and what doesn't. In the activities of building a link profile, for example, you could risk running into a site that penalizes, but thanks to the monitoring phase you will be immediately ready to solve the situation.
To conclude, there will be the reporting phase, that is the creation of reports on a monthly basis that identifies the improvements, the KPIs achieved, the backlinks obtained and so on.