My girlfriend and myself very happy together - And we have been together for a long time now since last 3 decades!!
Here’s what makes us tick with stick : We have at least one meal together. We try and be home for dinner every night. No social obligations and no work obligations stretch into the night for ‘us’ time. If I do need to go out with my coworkers, I make it a ‘happy hour’. This way I’m still home for dinner. Of course, this doesn’t always work, but 90% of the time, we make it happen. On another note- we wait till the other person finishes their meal - getup together from table hand in hand to digest the food walking through the narrow lane known as "patli gali" in our city of Mumbai india.
‘Weather check in the middle of the day’. Both of us are engineers, and both our days are swamped with work. Sometimes I’m lucky if I can make time to wolf down a sandwich. While I’m doing that, I place a call to him, or he texts me. It’s a 2–5 minute call, but we make sure the other person is doing okay.
‘We date once a week’. We plan something ‘special’ once a week. Sometimes it is an impromptu beer outside, a hike during the weekends, a dinner outside on Saturday night, a movie and popcorn at home, or I cook something special and light a candle.. right in the middle of the week. It works like a charm
We hug as soon as we see each other. I can’t even tell you how good this makes me feel. Before we talk about our day, before a ‘hi’, we hug. It doesn’t matter if it is a quick one or a long one where I simply won’t let go.
When something important comes up, we let the other person know right away or as soon as possible. This is important, and we make it a priority.
If he sees me cooking/cleaning, he always offers to help, and vice versa, unless of course one of us is working.
These are some of our everyday as usual habits. It has worked wonderfully for both of us. Remember, you have to make your partner a priority. These things develop over time, but put some effort into it, and watch your magic unfold forever to find solace and happiness.
Express Appreciation Daily. A healthy relationship is based on a pattern of positive expression, intimacy, and connection. ...
Fight Fairly. ...
Ask For
Do Chores Together. ...
Make Time To Snuggle. ...
Talk About the Hard Stuff. ...