1. Unable to switch off from work 2. Work during out of office hours 3. Work during a vacation 4. Check messages from work frequently I am a workaholic and I do all of these.
Workaholics are unable to switch off from work. Probably it has to do with FOMO. Many times it may also be a way to keep busy.
Workaholics work even during out of office hours. And most workaholics are unable to stop working even during a vacation.
Workaholics always stay on top of emails & messages from work.
So why do people become workaholics? Some do it out of passion, some out of fear, some out of responsibility, for some work becomes identity.
For workaholics when work is taken away they have withdrawal symptoms they don’t know what to do. It is as if they feel lost.
What about you? Are you a workaholic?
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