Bloggers often proclaim that updating content is so important. I'm not a big fan of that. Let me tell you why it doesn't work for me and might not work for you. Online competition is fierce. That's why I usually search for topics that have a lack of quality content. It helps to overcome competitors with much better content. This content provides high results and then drops one day. I tried a few times to update this content that took some resources. The previous ranking positions didn't get back. The main reason was that others created high-quality content that is hard to overcome. My resources are limited as yours. Instead of fixing the old content, find new content ideas and jump there. It's not a good strategy if you have ongoing traffic and a loyal audience who might admire your content. In that way, it's better to check Google Analytics how many people read old blog posts. If it's not a lot then skip updating. Agree? Comment below.
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