Confused & Ignorant: When the mind is ignorant or confused, it is state where we cant move forward at all. Ignorance is only bliss till we don't know. It is painful after we know. This is an indication of lack of intellect. We don't know what we don't know. Many people are unable to break this pattern. Confusions lead to unhappiness. This is when the mind is dull. It gets us stuck. Whenever I was confused I experienced this state. I made mistakes because of this. This is a state when the mind stops functioning.
Overthinking & Purposeless: This is the mind running like a mad elephant and destroying everything that comes in its way. There is lack of direction here. This is a pattern which many people are unable to break. This can lead to anxiety, worries, fears & depression. The mind is never stuck always running. Hence we are unable to sit back & find out what is really happening with us. I was mostly in this state for over 30 years. This is the curse of having an active mind.
Confused & Overthinking: This is a combination of the 2 states mentioned above. The mind toggles between the 2 states. Sometimes we are confused, sometimes we are overthinking. It is like a see saw and we keep going up & down on it. Sometimes we are active & sometimes we are dull. I was stuck here too but I never knew. This is probably the worst state to be in.
Focused & Concentrated: This is a state where one is clear on the direction/goal. Actually it does not need a goal at all. It is when you are mindful & present in the moment. You can move to a blank state of mind where thoughts stop bothering you. You can do boring things for hours without losing focus. This is the biggest challenge for a human being. Getting into this state can take years for some, decades for others, lifetime for many. This state has nothing in common with the other 3 states. The mind has been removed from the equation here so it does not trouble us anymore. Here we realise that the mind is not our true self.
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