1. Write down all confusions 2. Pick one from many choices 3. Stick to DOTS (Do One Thing Surely) 4. Detach from results
I was a confused person for most of my life.
It was both fear & greed at play.
I was fearful of losing what I had & greedy to get what I did not have.
Till I found some simple steps to get rid of confusions.
The first step is to write down all your confusions. Most of the time it is just chatter in the head. This makes us confused. Writing clears the confusion because it clearly states what we want or what we don’t want. It also helps clear the mind. If you can write down all your confusions for a week it will go away.
Many times it is about choices. When we have many choices & we don’t know which one to pick. Just pick anyone. Most times I always picked the wrong one.
But the problem was not the wrong choice but I could not make it work. You have to give things time & I had little patience because I wanted results quickly. Everything takes time.
DOTS (Do One Thing Surely) is the way to success.
You can implement it in 5 steps
DOTS for an hour. DOTS for an day. DOTS for a week. DOTS for a month. DOTS for a year.
Last but not the least we need to attach to actions & detach from results. This is tough because we dont want to fail. But life has 99% failure & 1% success. Life is more about the journey than the destination. We need to enjoy the journey.
What about you? What do you do to remove confusion?
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