Dirty pictures of Mukesh Ambani's wife Nita Ambani and Vijay Mallya went viral on the internet, people got angry after seeing the photo… Mukesh Ambani, one of the richest men in the country, is not dependent on any introduction, while in India he has made his mark in the business. A big empire has been set up, along with this, he has impressed everyone with his business abroad as well, he is included in the list of Asia's biggest businessmen, in such a situation, if it is said that Mukesh Ambani is full of pride in today's time. If we are living life then it is true and everyone also knows that his wife Nita Ambani is also in discussion because of her life style and luxurious life, same Nita Ambani also has very expensive hobbies!
But this time Nita Ambani Not because of the lifestyle, but because of a picture getting viral, after which people are questioning their collector as well, in fact, in this picture getting viral, Nita Ambani is not with anyone else but the former President is seen with billionaire Vijay Mallya who has now left India and And have obtained the citizenship of another country, while in this viral picture, both can be seen very close! Actually this is not the truth, in fact it is a picture during an IPL press meeting and the picture was taken from a wrong angle. Due to which this picture has been wrongly visible, although the things that are going somewhere about him are not true at all, here for your information, let us tell you that the picture is not recent but many years old. There is a picture and at present it has gone viral and many other things are also coming out along with it, but the truth has nothing to do with this picture, this picture is just an attempt to malign the image of a big personality like Nita Ambani. does!