I experienced all of these in my life
Phase 0: Comes in hard, goes out easily - saw my dad going through this for decades
Money came with a lot of hard work but went away quickly. This happens when we don't value it. This is the spendthrift mindset.
Phase 1: Comes in hard, goes out hard
(experienced this as a student & early career)
Since there was little & it was tough to earn it, I spent even lesser than what I had. This is the poor mindset when you feel you are poor in the head. Sadly the poor remain poor.
Phase 2: Comes in easily, goes out easily
(experienced this in my mid career)
When you have spare money you tend to spend easily too. This is the rich mindset.
Phase 3: Comes in easily, goes out hard
(experienced this in my late career)
This is the miser mindset. You have enough but you are fearful you will lose it.
Phase 1 again: Comes in hard, goes out hard
(experienced this as an entrepreneur)
I learnt that one can move between phases.
The simplest way to move to abundance is to change your relationship with money.
As Rumi said "What you seek is seeking you"
What you value more will grow more
Which according to you is the best phase?
What about you?
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