Aryan Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, was detained by the NCB (Narcotics Control Bureau) on 3 October 2021. During this, the officers raided the cruise liner, where the rave party was occurring. Ever since Aryan's arrest, Shahrukh Khan's manager Pooja Dadlani, who was always within the court during the hearing and always within the NCB office during the legal proceedings. in step with reports, Pooja was heartbroken after Aryan's bail plea was rejected within the court and he or she was also spotted crying during now.
There is little doubt that Pooja Dadlani is extremely near actor Shah Rukh Khan's family and shares a beautiful bond with the actor's wife Gauri Khan and their kids Suhana, AbRam and Aryan Khan. From writing heartwarming notes for Aryan and Suhana on their birthdays to celebrating every special day with Shah Rukh's family, Pooja is indeed an integral a part of the Khan family. However, many folks are still unaware of his background, happy married life, net worth and things associated with her. So allow us to tell you today about the interesting lifetime of Pooja Dadlani.
Pooja Dadlani was born on 2 November 1983 in Mumbai to her parents Manu Dadlani and Meenu Dadlani. This celebrity manager has completed her education from 'Bai Ambabai Pharamji Petit Girls High School' and 'HR College of Commerce and Economics' in Mumbai. Pooja also includes a academic degree in Mass Communication. She also includes a sister named Geeta Dadlani and she or he seems to be a copy of Pooja.
According to many reports within the media, the online worth of Pooja Dadlani is near Rs 45 crores.
At the instant, it's clear that Pooja Dadlani has become one in every of the close members of actor Shahrukh Khan's family.