The ongoing controversy that has been stirred because of Karnataka Government’s recent decision on banning the hijab in schools and colleges has now resulted in a very major uproar within the state, there have been rumours claiming that Bollywood actors Salman Khan, Aamir Khan and also the Turkish Government would give Muskan Khan a bequest of Rs 5 crores for standing up against a bunch of Hindu students.
For the unversed, The Karnataka hijab row started after some female students in Udupi Government Pre-university College were told to require off their hijab or leave the classroom. When the women were denied to require off their hijab they were forced to go away the lecture. Amidst this, a viral video on social media showed a woman named,
Muskan Khan entering the faculty premises wearing a hijab and chanting Allah-hu-Akbar in counter to a gaggle of Hindu men wearing saffron shawl who chanted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ right before of her. According to research by Factually, the Turkish government haven't released any official statement, which claims that Muskan Khan will receive the stated cash amount. No such press releases were found on both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website of the Republic of Turkey and also the Turkish Embassy in New Delhi’ website.
Talking about the actors, there have been no statements made by either Salman Khan or Aamir Khan on giving 5 crore rupees to Muskan. it's been noted that both Salman and Aamir have yet to state their views on the continuing Hijab row in Karnataka.
Considering all the above facts we at Mumbai Multimedia Studio - The MMS can say that the report of Muskan getting any cash reward was a whole nonsensical rumour......