The recent dance performance of Bollywood's beauty queen, Urvashi Rautela is unmatched. She recently took to her Instagram to share a video where she can be seen dancing but with a twist at the end. Urvashi takes off her top while dancing and her super se-X-X-XY....(Watch here)
Secret meetings and more! What is cooking between Salman Khan and Urvashi Rautela? Urvashi Rautela was also a part of the grand party organized at Salman Khan's Panvel farmhouse to celebrate her 50th birthday. An adorable picture of Salman Khan and actress Urvashi Rautela was clicked inside Emirates Airlines. Urvashi Rautela is in love with Salman Khan and is one of his biggest fans. Here is a picture of Urvashi sharing a fan moment with superstar Salman.