As a student I used to enjoy only the good times. This made me depressed when I experienced bad times. I only wanted good times in my life.
When I started to work I still preferred the good times, the bad times made me stressed and worried. My bouts of depression continued.
In my entrepreneurship journey I started to enjoy the bad times more. I started to realise happiness lies within. This changed my life completely. Once you begin to enjoy the bad times there are no bad times anymore.
Now I enjoy both good & bad times. I try to treat then both equally. This makes me happy most of the time.
There are times when I feel indifferent to both. But then I realise it is not a great state to be in, since it impacts the passion with which I live life. Imagine how dull & boring would life become if nothing impacts you.
If we can stop labelling good and bad times life may become amazing. If we can be a student of life, life will become so amazing. The most learning comes from bad times.
What about you?
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