1. Rise early to get a head start 2. Prioritise Important over Urgent 3. Use checklists, & don't procrastinate 4. Remove Time wasters(mobile, internet)
I was bad at managing my time for many years. I struggled with time.
The simplest way to have more time is to sleep early & rise early. It adds roughly 3-4 hours of time to your day. You could complete so many things in this time. You are also fresh hence you can be at least 4-5 times more productive. This was a game changer for me. My early mornings are for writing. It has changed my life completely.
Most of the time I was doing urgent things trying to meet a deadline. Focusing on urgent is the biggest trap, when we keep running after deadlines we never have time for the important things. If we focus on the important today we will never have anything urgent. It took me a while to understand this. I was able to focus on the long term. This made me more productive.
Checklists is a great idea, making a list about what you want to achieve & when. And then making sure you do them. I used to never use checklists. I also used to procrastinate. I avoided doing the important things, partly fear & partly I was lazy. Once I stopped procrastinating my life changed completely.
Time wasters can take all our time away. Mobile & Internet is probably the biggest culprit. If you can keep dedicated time for it. You can save at least a few hours everyday.
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