1. What you have? 2. What others have? 3. What you may never have? 4. What you wish to have?
My happiness as a child was dependent on what I had, it was a joy playing with the toys I had. I could play with the same toy for hours & yet not lose interest. In fact every time I picked up my toy it was a new experience. It is not just about contentment but being grateful & living in the moment.
As I grew up as a teenager my happiness started to become dependent on what I did not have. It was when I got what others had that made me happy.
As I started working I fell into another trap. I started to feel bad about what I may never have. This is probably regrets I had. Things or people I lost in life. I felt maybe I may never have them again.
As I grew older life was more about dreams coming true that gave me happiness. Meaning & purpose as many may call it. It took me decades to find my purpose. It was about what I truly wished to have. I found happiness through purpose.
Of all of these I still cherish the toys of childhood. I still have them.
What about you?
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