1. You procrastinate or avoid 2. You try to fool yourself 3. You keep yourself busy 4. You face it & let it come true
Whenever I was faced with fears earlier I would procrastinate or avoid. I did not want them to come true.
As time went by I started to fool myself into believing that the fears wont come true. But this was a way to run away from them. It did not solve the problem. The fears remained.
I also tried to keep myself busy so I don't think about them. I tried to forget them. But I could not. The fears remained.
Then I figured another way to face my fears everyday. I let them come true. I realised that I did not die, in fact it made me stronger. My character being stronger. I slowly started to overcome my fears. One the other side of Fear was success:)
What about you? How are you dealing with Fear?
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