a) 1-2 b) 3-5 c) 6-9 d) 10 or more
The more cities you live & work in the more culturally aware you are. You get exposed to different cultures, people & ways of doing business. You also learn to adapt fast to different people & situations.
I have been lucky to have lived & worked in 25 cities across the world. The learning that I picked up have been enriching.
The best part is that you also get to experience & hear many stories too.
Also you get to learn different things from different kinds of people. You also get a chance to become aware of your patters & how can you change them.
Work from home will only help people to travel & work from different places.
What about you?
Are you trying to learn new work cultures?
You can register for our next storytelling workshop at VFX Studio www.multimediastudio.net