1. 0-1 yrs in a startup with <25 employees 2. 1-2 in a startup with 25-100 employees 3. 2-3 yrs in an org with 100-1000 employees 4. 3-4 yrs in an org with 1000+ employees
I took roughly 4 yrs to get promoted in an organisation with more than 1000 employees. My role changes in these organisations took me 2 yrs to happen.
In startups with 25-100 employees promotions took me less than 2 yrs to happen. Role changes in these organisations took less than a year to happen.
I have seen promotions in startups less than 25 employees happening in less than a year. Role changes in such startups happen in less than a year too.
What has been your experience? Thoughts?
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