Side hustle is like cancer you cant live a normal life with it & you cant live without it because it is a part of you now. In fact hustling itself becomes a way of life.
Hustle itself is a negative word. It means push roughly or jostle. It could also mean obtain illicitly or by forceful action. It could also mean a state of great activity.
Now pushing or forceful action or great activity may not yield desired results.
Which may be why hustling more often than not ends in failure.
Side hustles also fail because there is LOF (Lack Of Focus), we may be doing many things at one time.
For success you need to be following DOTS (Do One Thing Surely)
Side hustles also fail because of LOC (Lack Of Clarity). If you had clarity it would become your main hustle.
FOF (Fear Of Failure) is probably why side hustles remain.
To make your side hustle your main hustle all you need is courage to fail.
Side Hustle + Courage to Fail = Success
Sometimes FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) could be the reason why side hustles fail. We have more than one side hustle because of FOMO. Many times side hustle is because of FOMO.
You neither want to do it fully, you neither want to leave it fully. It is the in between state.
Do you have a side hustle?
What is stopping you?