I struggled with understanding people & behaviours. I did not have empathy to understand what they wanted. If you don't know what people want from you then the game is over there.
I also did not know when & which buttons to press to get the desired outcome. Timing of when you say what matters.
Actually its quite simple. Everyone wants something from you. If you can give them what they want or in the way they want or when they want then they will happily give you what you want.
The biggest challenge will be to understand exactly what you need to do, how you need to do & when you need to do.
This comes from understanding others better. But the simplest way is to understand yourself first. If you can observe & understand your emotions, motivation, drivers you can understand others better.
It all starts with us. A simple way I followed is to use my heart to find out where the other person is stuck. If you deal with people with your heart then most problems get solved instantly.
How do you influence others?
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