I lacked focus for many years hence remained average & ordinary. There were several reasons for it.
I tried to multitask & hustle hence I failed. Doing one Thing Surely is critical.
The simple steps are:
DOTS for an hour
DOTS for a day
DOTS for a week
DOTS for a month
DOTS for a year
Picking the right thing is important but even more important is sticking to it. Even if we pick the wrong things & stick to them we learn focus.
Saying No to thoughts that distract help us have focus. Being mindful is the key. Understanding that the mind is not us is the key.
Practicing one thing for 10,000 hours will help you get laser sharp focus. Once you do it once you can do it many times for other things.
What about you?
You can register for our next storytelling workshop at www.multimediastudio.net
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