This November has been a gloomy one for Chennai. Dread about a repeat of 2015—the worst flood in nearly a century for the city—mingled with the excitement around Deepavali after two deadly Covid waves. The rain has been pretty incessant, the sky a dark stormy grey for most of the day and an angry red at night. Even there is was unexpected shower’s in Mumbai as well …
The sun peeps out every now and then, but vanishes just as soon. If you’re not in danger of drowning, you’re probably in danger of wet, mouldy clothes.
Work has been a bright spot this month, though, in between all the doom and gloom. And why not, when you get to edit such well-reported, juicy stories as the ones published this week. It’s a cracker of a line-up. Let’s dive right in
We at The MMS closed out this week with a nifty based article about a sector that usually flows under the radar—lending for used commercial vehicles. It’s a risky business, but NBFCs like Kogta, SK Finance—with NPA ratios as low as 3-4%—have tasted success where bigger lenders and banks have kept away.
That was our week in a nutshell.
There’s more where this came from, though. This October 2021, we have launched a slew of newsletters on topics ranging from climate change, retail, cryptocurrency, political arena, tussle between mafia and authority, sports & business. Check them out at VFX Studio
Have a restful Sunday. We’ll be back tomorrow with another cracker of a story