Monday is the probably the toughest day at work. Work has piled up over the weekend also the pending items from last week have all collected as well. It is also a busy day full of meetings & follow-ups. Most of the planning & goal setting for the week happens here as well. Many decide the work for the week & work allocation also happens here. Also if you had a busy weekend it may not be an easy day where you may be facing Monday Blues.
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday is when the work really happens. Most of the regular work happens here. These are days we may call business as usual.
Friday is an important day because the working week ends for most. This is when you try to complete everything that is pending. Many also plan to travel over the weekend so there is added pressure. For many this is also the longest day of the week. There is a lot of pressure at work on this day. Many are happy because the week has ended TGIF (Thank God Its Friday)
Saturdays/Sundays are weekends. There are many folks who work on Saturdays too. But for those who have weekends these are rest days. But for working couples these become working for home days. You try to finish your personal duties & family obligations.
This is also the time you get for socialisation. Many also have to work on these days due to some work escalations.
What about you?
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