1. Not thinking about the week ahead 2. Doing work that you enjoy 3. Starting work early on Mondays 4. Spending time with amazing colleagues
Monday Blues are a reality. But strangely I never had Monday Blues. I just enjoyed working. It did not matter what work it was & who I was working for.
Most of us have it because we don’t enjoy the work we do. The weekend was not enough & we dont want to go back to work.
Monday is reality, and probably we don’t want to face reality & we run away from it.
Passion is one simple way to overcome Monday Blues. It makes you enjoy what you do. Doing work that you enjoy.
Another way to beat Monday blues is not to think about the week ahead but live in the moment.
Starting early in the morning can make you feel positive about the job. I would reach office by 8 am on Mondays. It was interesting to see people coming in late on Monday mornings.
Spending time with positive colleagues can be a great way to get over Monday Blues.
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