Albania 75%
Algeria 99%
Angola 25%
Argentina 2%
Australia 2.09%
Azerbaijan 93%
Bahrin 100%
Bangladesh 85%
Bhutan 5%
Brazil 0.6%
Burma 10%
Canada 1.48%
Cntral africn rpblc 55%
China 11%
Egypt 94%
Ethopia 65%
Fiji 11%
France 7%
Georgia 11%
Germeny 3.4%
Greece 1.5%
Guinea 95%
Guyana 15%
Hongkong 1%
Indonesia 95%
Iran 99%
Iraq 97%
Isreal 14%
Italy 1%
Japan 1%
Jordan 95%
Kenya 30%
Kuwait 89%
Lebanon 70%
Libya 100%
Maldives 100%
Malasiya 52%
Mauritius 19.5%
Mayotte 99%
Nigeria 75%
Oman 100%
Pakistan 97%
Phillipines 14%
Qatar 100%
Romania 20%
Russia 18%
Saudi arab 100%
Singapore 17%
Somalia 100%
Sri lanka 9%
Sudan 85%
Syria 90%
Tazakistan 85%
Tanzania 65%
Thiland 14%
Tunisia 98%
Turkey 99.8%
UAE 96%
UK 2.5%
USA 3.75%
Uzbekistan 88%
Where the Prophets originated
Adam(A.S) - Sri Lanka
Nooh(A.S) - Jordan
Shoaib(A.S) - Syria
Saleh(A.S) - Lebanon
Ibrahim(A.S) - Palestine and died in iraq
Ismail(A.S) - Saudi Arabia
Yakoob(A.S) - Palestine
Yahya(A.S) palestine
Zakariya (A.S) palestine
Ishaq(A.S) - Palestine
Yusuf(A.S) - Palestine
Looth(A.S) - Iraq
Ayub(A.S) - Jordan
Hood(A.S) - Yamen
Nabi-Muhammad S.A.W) - Saudi Arabia
Ages of Prophets
Adam(A.S) - 1000 Yrs
Nooh(A.S) - 950 Yrs
Shoaib(A.S) - 882 Yrs
Saleh(A.S) - 586 Yrs
Zakariyya(A.S) - 207 Yrs
Ibrahim(A.S) - 195 Yrs
Sulaymaan(A.S) - 150 Yrs
Ismail(A.S) - 137 Yrs
Yakoob(A.S) - 129 Yrs
Musa(A.S) - 125 Yrs
Ishaq(A.S) - 120 Yrs
Haroon(A.S) - 119 Yrs
Yusuf(A.S) - 110 Yrs
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May Allāh (Sub-haanahu wata'aala) guide Islam
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