According to a recent NY Times article, Central intelligence service (CIA) admits to losing dozens of informants, during a top-secret meeting, the CIA discussed the struggle of recruiting and maintaining spies from foreign countries as they're frequently captured or killed by foreign counterintelligence services.
The article, written by US security experts, claims that adversarial intelligence services in countries like Russia, China, Iran, and Pakistan seek out the CIA. In some cases, they also turn them into double agents.
As a result, the double agents feed disinformation to the CIA which distorts intelligence collection and analysis. Former CIA officials revealed that Pakistan has been very successful during this regard.
Moreover, Pakistan maintains a record of discovering and breaking CIA spy networks. An example of this can be when Pakistan arrested five CIA informants in a very terrorist raid.
In a separate incident, Pakistani authorities arrested a U.S. security contractor. the 2 countries faced worsening ties over the US spy network within Pakistan. The arrest came at the beginning of the murder trial of Raymond Davis, another CIA agent