Good Morning Dear MMS Reader,
Have you tried adding black salt to your green tea? Of late, I have developed a habit of drinking a store-bought, local green tea that contains, among several herbs, black salt. It helps me resist that urge to add a little sugar to my otherwise light-on-calorie tea.
It is a welcome change in my routine. Usually, I am stubbornly opposed to change. It often overwhelms me, pushes me out of my painstakingly designed comfort zone. Do you often, like me, feel that the world is changing so fast that you cannot keep up with it? Perhaps news can offer you some respite. It’ll tell you—look here, this is what is happening. This is what is likely to happen.
The past last week’s articles at MMS had played their roles as messengers of change, rather beautifully with pace. That’s all folks, friends, audience and the readers ! We wish you a happy Sunday. Do write to us about how you stay afloat in this madness of a world of change.
Until next time...