Once our prophet PBUH was sitting in the mosque, Fatima Al-Zahraa suddenly saw him crying, so he said, Peace be upon him, why don't you cry too, Fatima, so she said, O Messenger of Allah, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein went out in the morning and I did not know their place until now, so the Prophet said, O Fatima, that Who created them is more merciful to them than me and you, then he raised his hand to a To the sky and said oh God Preserve Hassan and Hussein on land or in the sea, so our Master Gabriel descended upon him and said, "Peace be upon you, peace be upon you and belongs to you with salutations and honor, and he said to him that Hassan and Hussein are in the garden of one of the sons of the Najjar, and that Allah is capable and all of them is a king to preserve them, so our Prophet of Allah took a group of In a minute, he found our master the good And Hussein was sleeping, so he found the Prophet the king, and put one of his wings under them and the other to shade them from the heat, so the Prophet carried him on his shoulders, so our Master Abu Bakr said, "Let someone carry him from you, O Messenger of Allah." He said, "No, O Bakr, yes, you are the two riders, then the Prophet took them to the mosque, so he said to his companions, "Sit down, sit down." He said, O people. Shouldn't I tell you the best of people, but they said Yes, O Messenger of Allah, Hassan and Hussein said, their father Ali bin Abi Talib, the master of all Arabs, and their mother is Fatima Al-Zahraa, the lady of the worlds. People, should I not tell you about the goodness of my uncle and uncle, so they said yes, O Messenger of God, so Hassan and Hussein are their uncle, Abu Al-Qasim bin the Messenger of Allah, and their aunt Zainab The daughter of the Messenger of Allah, O people, should I tell you? People are fine, uncle and uncle, so they said yes, O Messenger of Allah, so Hassan and Hussein said, their uncle Jafar Al-Tayar is in Paradise, and their aunt Um Hana is the incubator of the Messenger of Allah. People, are you aware of it? People are very well. People found him, they said yes, Oh Messenger of Allah, and Hassan and Hussein, their grandfather, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, master of the I found them Khadija, the master of the people Paradise, then he raised his hands, peace be upon him, and said, "O Allah, I love them, O Allah, love those who love them."