When you have many thoughts at the same time you are overthinking. We can also call it the consumer mindset when we are not only consuming thoughts but we are also being consumed by our thoughts. Mental depression is something that may happen here. This is consumer mindset when we are not conscious. It is a trap which is difficult to break out of. I was stuck here for many years. This is when you don't have a goal.
A little better is the state when we are consciously consuming thoughts. Here at least the thoughts don't consume us. This may lead to mood swings because we could get emotional & then swayed by emotions. It is still a consumer mindset but it is conscious. I was stuck here for decades. This is when you have a goal but you move slowly towards it.
When you have one thought at a time you are focused. This is tough to achieve. The temptations are many. When we focus on one thought we have to let go or disconnect from other thoughts. It is tough to connect & disconnect at the same time. It is like trying to both eat your food & not eat your food at the same time. It also means you have to switch between the consumer state and creator state. Once you reach this state you realise that you don't want to be the consumer anymore. I experienced this state in my early years of writing. This is when you not only have clear goals but you achieve them quickly.
When we have no thought at all we enter the creator state. It is also called the flow state. We are in the moment & it is beautiful. Things happen on its own. We experience amazing things without much effort.
It is also a state when we are connected to the universe directly and we receive abundance. I experience this state most of the time when I am writing. This is when you don't need goals or external motivation because you are deeply connected within. This is when you are limitless and go beyond goals.
What about you?