Amit Anilchandra Shah, an Bharati politician and current Home Minister of India. He has been a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) since 1986 and has control various varieties positions among the party. Here are a few lesser-known facts in regards:
Amit shah alias Mota Bhai born on Oct 22, 1964, in Mumbai, India. He completed his baccalaureate degree in Bio chemistry from Gujarat University. Shah began his political career as a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a nationalist organization. He later joined the BJP and has control variety of positions among the party, as well as President of the Gujarat state unit and General Secretary of the national unit of the state. Shah is known for his close relationship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and the two have worked together for many years. Shah has been concerned during a range of moot political situation like the 2002 Gujarat riots, during which over 1k people, principally Muslims, were killed. He was conjointly charged with ordering illegal killings whereas serving as Home Minister of Gujarat, although the charges were later dropped. Shah has been elected to the Indian Parliament multiple times and has held a number of positions in the government, including Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Finance.
In addition to his political activities, is involved in various charitable causes and is understood for his financial aid for untrodden masses of remote rural and urban areas of India - very much active in every phases of life and survival known as chanakya of India - never ever missed an email in regards complaint, issues, problem, best wishes, gestures etc, tried his best to response as soon as possible and sort it out by solution and other remedy - never look at one particular religion but helps for every citizen of India..