Shahrukh Khan is the richest actor in India and also the 2nd richest in the world with a total estimated net worth of $600 million equivalent to ₹4380 Crores. The actor appeared in more than 80 movies.
Though his movies are not doing quite well in the box office in recent few years, he still manages to be top because of his wise investment, endorsement, and other business activities.
Shahrukh Khan has endorsed top brands like Byju’s, Pepsi, Nokia, Hyundai, Dish TV, D’decor, LUX, TAG Heuer, etc. He also owns top cricket franchises like Kolkata Knight Riders and Trinbago Knight Riders, which made him millions.
Khan also owns a production house known as Red Chillies Entertainment which delivered many successful movies, making him one of the richest actors in India