Yusuf Khan, The Dilip Kumar of Bollywood had approx 1000 crores properties, who will enjoy this after Saira Banu? He didn't even adopt a son/daughter, why????
Dilip Kumar purchased in 1959, A 26,000 Square Feet estate for Rs. 1.12 Lakhs in Pali Hills, Mumbai after taking special permission from the Government.. Unable to manage the property in the late 1970s - he moved to a big apartment on Neapen Sea Road.
Later on he signed a JV with a builder called Bhojwani to build flats on his estate and a new Bungalow for him and give him the proceeds of 60% of the flat sales. He then moved to a 8000 Square Feet Plot adjoining the newly constructed building in 2003 which was called Saira Bungalow.
In 2012, He signed an agreement with a man called Sumeet Khatau to sell him all rights to the Bungalow (8000 Square Feet) for Rs. 53 Crores and instead gave a 999 year lease to Dilip Kumar for Rs. 5 Crore (Net price 48 Crore) knowing DK was in his 90s and had no legal heirs. This was to ensure that DK could live out his life comfortably in the Bungalow and after Sairas death, Khatau could possess or sell the Bungalow.
DK & SB received Rs. 35.95 Crore from the sale of flats in 2005–2006. Additionally, they owned a Building of 3 floors in Colaba and an Apartment Complex of 12 Flats in Andheri
All are managed by Property Agents who pay the family Rs. 65 Lakhs a month in Rents. So based on these three properties alone - Dilip Kumars worth is around Rs. 600 Crore
Who will Enjoy this after Saira Banu? The Answer is the Ayesha Begum Trust that will administer the money and do works of charity, And he has family - Ayub Khan is his nephew and Sayessha Sumeet Saighals daughter is his grand niece. Arya is his Grand Nephew in Law.He has 60 relatives including 14 in Peshawar, Pakistan. They will also be part of the estate???
Source:- Dilip Kumar vs Sameer Bhojwani, Case filed in Civil Court / Dilip Kumar Assets and Liablities attached on Judges request. Case was later withdrawn...