Good Morning Dear MMS Reader,
In this day and age of journalism, it isn't uncommon to hear news organisations adopting the proposition of “facts over opinion”. It's understandable, considering the deluge of opinion-driven prime time news debates that have plagued our TVs for well over a decade. But I feel at MMS (Mumbai Multimedia Studio) we take it a bit further upto higher level of journalism where it is easy to review with the heading says all. Here, the emphasis is not just on placing the facts before the reader but guiding them towards truth. Traditionally, journalism is all about presenting facts objectively, with the reporter expected to remain invisible. But when I submitted the first draft of my first story for The MMS, I remember my editor saying, “Good reporting, but where is your voice in the story?” that's the climax i guessed.
The narrative journalism we do here is a natural offshoot of the New Journalism wave of the 60s and 70s. The literary style of conveying non-fiction brought a breath of fresh air to journalism. Magazines like The Atlantic and New Yorker have done wonderful work over the years. Journalists like Hunter S Thomspon and Gay Talese mastered the art. They immersed themselves in the subject, working on it for days to tell some of the most fascinating real life stories. Here, the writers are central to the stories we do. We are visible and our voices point towards the truth on current scenario ...