Vidya Balan was recently mired in rumors about her married life. The Dirty Picture actress married Siddharth Roy Kapoor in December 2012. Barely two years into the marriage and rumors were found, discussing the trouble in their paradise. However, Vidya reportedly came out in the open to refute all rumors and said that she was happily married. Later, Rumors of pregnancy have upset the actress.
The Dirty secrets of Vidya Balan
After the release of the side effects of Samay Shadi, Vidya Balan decided to go on a break. The film immediately created a new line of rumors. Vidya also chose the sequel to Sujoy Ghosh's story. Putting two and two together, there was talk of Vidya going on a break as she was pregnant. According to a Mumbai Mirror report, Vidya said, "I am fed up with these rumors. I will have a baby- but not so soon. I am not yet mentally ready for motherhood that's the answer finally. #yusufbhandarkar