"We will get back to you" is the most common communication after an interview.
So what does it mean?

Actually it could mean all the below
Even if your interview went well you still don't know if other candidates did better. Or the process of interviewing other candidates may still be going on. Generally 3-5 people get interviewed for a position.
If your interview went average then you may not stand a chance.
The position could also go on hold.
Most of the times when I did well in interviews I got selected. There were times when the interviews went average in those cases I never heard back.
If you analyse all the questions in an interview you can easily find out if you did well or not. More than one mistake in an interview would mean you may not sail through.
It is tough to find good people, so if your interview went well you will hear back from the company quickly since no one wants to lose a good candidate.
What has been your experience?
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