1. At 60 yrs of age 2. At 50 yrs of age 3. At 40 yrs of age 4. After I have enough money
If I were asked this question when I was a student my answer would have been the last option. I always prioritised money. Later I realised that such decisions are not dependent on the money you have. It is dependent on the faith you have in yourself & the universe.
In my early career my answer would have been 40 yrs of age. I thought maybe I can achieve it by then.
By mid career the answer became 50 yrs of age. It started to get tougher as time passed by. My needs,wants & desires became more. My responsibilities became more.
I slowly realised that it may never happen if I dont do it now. So one day I decided lets me just quit my job & see what happens.
It was extremely tough when I started. I had no clarity on what to do. I failed for 2 yrs but still kept going since I was enjoying it:)
I decided to start to write, something that I really loved to do.
I discovered the power of DOTS (Do One Thing Surely). I started writing & never stopped.
Strangely it worked. It was as if this is what I was meant to do.
I became a writer & then a storyteller.
What about you? Are you following DOTS? Are you doing what you love to do?
You can register for our next storytelling workshop at www.multimediastudio.net