1. I am lonely 2. I am not good enough or worthy enough 3. FOMO or I cant recover from mistakes 4. I cannot change myself
These have been my limiting beliefs for a long time.
I always felt that I was lonely & that there is no one with me. There was also that fear that people will leave me & go away. Fears of abandonment also played out for me. Probably people left me many times hence I started to believe that this is my reality.
I also felt I was not good enough or worthy enough. This is because of my childhood fears & insecurities while growing up. I always felt incomplete. I also compared myself with others and felt that everyone was better than me.
One my limiting beliefs has been was FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) there was a fear that I will not get what I deserve. It was possibly greed as well.
One of my biggest limiting beliefs was that I will not be able to change myself. I was fearful of change, it made uncomfortable. This has helped me overcome my other limiting beliefs.
What are your self limiting beliefs? What is stopping you from achieving great things in your life?
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