Bollywood's famous actress Kangana Ranaut is during a lot of debate about her statements. Recently, she had also given a controversial statement on the independence of India and said that in 1947, the country didn't get freedom, but begged. the important freedom came in 2014. After this statement of the actress, the Congress party was seen continuously opposing her, moreover as demanding to require back the Padma Shri. At the identical time, recently famous poet Kumar Vishwas has also taunted by tweeting on Kangana Ranaut.
This tweet of Kumar Vishwas made on Kangana Ranaut's statement is becoming fiercely viral on social media, moreover as users are commenting plenty on that. Responding to his tweet, a user wrote, "The 'award' may be found in begging, not the country's freedom."
Responding to Kumar Vishwas's tweet, one of the user named Pramila wrote, "Giving such controversial statements gives awards. You get publicity, then you'll be able to enter politics. you'll be able to easily get a ticket so become a minister. there is a shortcut." On the opposite hand, a user named Pawan Rai took a jibe at Kumar Vishwas and wrote, "When are you joining Congress sir." another blow for each other