1. Failures & Struggles 2. Fears & Insecurities 3. Problems & Worries 4. Things that go wrong
People only post the good that happens on social media.
We see people speaking about success stories & achievements. No one speaks about failures & struggles. I used to wonder initially maybe everyone goes through only good things:) Only later I realised that people choose what to show on social media
Every human being goes through failures & struggles. But most of it never comes on social media. Even if it comes out it is after a person becomes successful. It may give a false impression that everyone succeeds & we are the only ones who are failing. Fears & Insecurities trouble everyone but we seldom hear it on social media. Probably it is because we cant show our vulnerable face to others
Everyone goes through problems. It is just that people don’t talk about them. After coaching several leaders I realise that even highly successful people go through problems, the nature of the problems may be different.
Everyone has things going wrong probably since no one speaks about them we begin to think only we have problems others do not.
As I interacted with more people I realised that social media may only show one side of the picture.
Success will probably be only 1% of the time, failure happens 99% of the time.
What do you think? What about you?
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