1. Greed is selfish & not for greater good 2. Greed can harm others or nature 3. Ambition is faith in the universe 4. Ambition is when you let go of results
Ambition serves a purpose for the greater good while greed is selfish.
Greed can harm others or nature. It is when you don't care as much about others.
Greed is faith in yourself. Ambition is faith in the Universe. It is when you trust that good things will happen to you & it does.
Ambition is when you let go of results & get attached to actions. It is when you think big but act small. You are not disappointed by failures. You enjoy the journey. You are self motivated & never give up.
Greed is responsible for most problems in this world. Greed is limiting & can prevent us from achieving amazing things.
A freedom fighter wanting independence for his/her country is ambition. A king wanting to defeat his neighbour in war is greed.
When we compete with others we get greedy. When we collaborate with others we are ambitious.
Ambition can help change the world greed cant even help us change ourselves
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