1. Do an MBA or any course on entrepreneurship 2. Work in a startup 3. Start your own startup 4. Get coached by an entrepreneur
Doing an MBA or doing a course on entrepreneurship is probably the worst way to learn about it. This is a third person experience.
Working in a startup is a practical way to learn how startups work. You can experience how it is for yourself. This is a second person experience.
Starting your own startup is probably the best way. When you do it for yourself the learning is for life. Even if you fail you learn much more than any other experience. When you lose your own money you learn much more. This is a first person experience
Getting coached by a entrepreneur is like getting wisdom from the source. Someone who has gone through it can tell you how to achieve success. But still only getting cosched cant make you an entrepreneur unless you try it for yourself. This is also a second person experience.
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