1. Comparing with others 2. Expectations from self & life 3. Becoming attached to results 4. Fears, worries, greed, failures
I was unhappy because of all these reasons.
We all want what others have, so when we compare we feel unhappy. Comparing with others can even make the happiest person unhappy.
We all have expectations from self & others. We want more from life. When we don't get what we expect we feel unhappy.
When we become attached to results & we don't achieve them they make us unhappy.
Failures can break down even the strongest person. It is very tough to keep going amidst failure.
The failures can also come back to haunt you. Fears come from failure. Worries can also make you unhappy. Worrying about your future & things that may go wrong can make you unhappy too. Greed also can make you unhappy.
What do you think?
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