1. Being with Friends 2. Being with Family 2 Being with Colleagues 4. Being Alone with yourself
Strangely many of us spend most of the time with our colleagues in our life more than even our family. Many of us don't even know it.
Many of us enjoy time with our family & friends. I doubt if people really enjoy time with their colleagues, probably some may do.
I enjoy my time alone, in fact it is the best time of my day. I do this through my writing, it is beautiful.
There is a difference between Being Alone & Being Lonely, I never understood the difference before. It is beautiful being alone. Being alone is solitude. It is when you build a relationship with yourself. It is the only way to find answers to all your questions in your life.
Spending time with others is a beautiful distraction from where we really need to focus on, which is ourselves:)
What about you? Do you prefer being alone? Do you enjoy your company? please comments #yusufbhandarkar