1. Do an MBA 2. Change your job 3. Find a coach 4. Take a career break
When you are stuck in your career an MBA may only postpone your career problems. The same problems can come back even after your MBA. You could face the same questions even during placements. We cant hide the truth it is there for everyone to see.
Changing your job can be a good temporary solution. But most career problems remain & come back to haunt you again. It is a simple way to run away from the problems and not face them.
Finding a coach is a good way to find out where you are stuck & how can you come out of it. A good coach can help you here, especially someone who has gone through the same journey.
Taking a career break to solve your problems is probably the best way. It is a good opportunity for you to reflect & up skill. You could volunteer in a startup, start your own startup & completely upskill yourself. This could also help you change your career path. It is a big risk which will always give you good returns. When you have nothing to lose you will give it everything. It will also help you find your purpose.
I followed the last approach & it completely changed my life.
What do you do when you stuck in my career?
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