Actor Chunky Panday’s daughter Ananya Panday is being questioned by the NCB after she reached the agency’s office around 4 pm. The actor was sent summons earlier today and asked to look before the anti-drug agency for questioning. Sources within the NCB said that her name has been under the scanner for some days. Meanwhile, the special court has extended the judicial custody of eight accused within the drugs-on-cruise case including Aryan and Arbaaz till October 30. Earlier, there have been reports that Aryan’s WhatsApp chats included discussion on drugs with an upcoming Bollywood actress. The NCB had submitted the WhatsApp chat to the special court on Wednesday. His chats with drug peddlers were also given to the court. The NCB, however, is yet to substantiate if Ananya’s case is connected to Aryan Khan’s matter. Meanwhile, the agency officials were also spotted outside Shah Rukh Khan’s residence ‘Mannat’..
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