Already SRKs power and influence seem to be working around the globe, he had shutdown the whatsapp for 6 hours. From “Actively consuming drugs”, the NCB report now reads “Actively conversing with Known Drug Suppliers”
NCB in court openly said on record that only a Test would reveal if Aryan Khan had consumed any drugs which is pending. This changed from Sunday when they said “We have a video of Aryan consuming drugs like MDMA or Cocaine or Ice or Hash”
Likewise the NCBs “Procured and Consumed Drugs for Four Years” became “Consorted and Talked to known Drug Suppliers when he was in London or Paris or New York or Dubai” Plus No Hair Test which is crucial.for long term Drug positive checks for upto 3, even 6–12 months
Prosecutor did not ask for a hair test that he demanded for Rhea and Showik Chakraborty (Both Negative) .Likewise several whatsapp messages has become Four whatsapp messages
Now the Guy running this investigation is a rare straight shooter named Sameer Wankhede. So the usual lies and conspiracies that Cops pretend to the Media, they have like in Disha Ravis case , is very unlikely
The word is Mansindhe (the top criminal lawyer who charged 10 lacs per day hearing) has pulled a lot of strings. Rumour on Whatsapp groups is 40 Crore changed hands though that is likely nonsense. Still the rapid change of the situation is very surprising yet expected.
My guess is Aryan will be a simple witness by the time things blow over #yusufbhandarkar #digitalmarketing2021