Most of my problems in life came from this question. Who Am I?
My mind was always ticking, it led me to believe that it was "ME", the true self. I started to do things what my mind said. This led to all my problems. The mind was mostly thinking about the past or future this only made me take wrong decisions & make me unhappy. I was doing all what the mind told me not knowing that it was not me. The mind is a random generator of ideas & thoughts. It may have nothing to do with us.
My body was who I could physically see, this led me to believe that it was the true self. I had seen the body growing since I was a child so I thought it was me. I felt it was mine & I owned it. But the body ages & decays over time so how can it be my true self. My true self is different from the body.
My Soul was what I could never see, it was what I read in books. But when I saw people passing away, I saw both the mind & body had stopped activity. This clearly meant the soul was the true person.
The body was like the car body. The mind was the engine. But the soul was the person driving the car. Except that in reality it was an invisible driver no one could see.
As a driver I could both hear & see the engine running & observe the car moving. If I did not apply the brakes in time I ended up having an accident. The car would keep moving because the engine would keep it going.
The mind makes the body do actions. The soul is the one who can observe the actions.
The soul can choose to detach from the mind & body and not participate in the actions. When we don't expect anything from our actions or from others this happens. It is a spiritual moment when we are detached.
When we give to others without expectation it is the soul that is behind it. When we observe ourselves & our actions it is the soul. This is our true self.
Sadly most of the time I only followed my mind & hence I was unhappy. The mind was driven only by fear & greed.
The soul knows no fear, it has no greed. It can just be without any action. Which is why when we meditate we are asked to focus on our breath so that we suspend all action & truly observe. It is mindfulness except that we are not being run by the mind but our soul.
Only the soul is our true self not the mind or body.
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