I recently finished reading Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, which talks about the dichotomy between two modes of thought all of us have inside us. It was a great read. The thing that stayed with me the most, though, came from the very first page, where Kahneman mentions a setting in which his book may benefit the reader most—the “proverbial office water-cooler”.
Thanks to the pandemic, we’ve had precious little of that in the last two years. Working remotely has meant the reduction of our work conversations to a baser, transactional version of themselves.
I’ve had moments where I came across information that looked like it was important, but I couldn’t exactly put my finger on the why or the how. In meeting people at the office over the last few weeks, talking about new ideas, listening to their experiences, things clicked. As Kahneman says in his book: “Questioning what we believe and want is difficult at the best of times, and especially difficult when we most need to do it, but we can benefit from the informed opinions of others”.
This is also what we aim to achieve bringing you in-depth, deeply reported stories that will not only enrich your next conversation but also inform your next big decision only @ The MMS.
If you are going back to the office (or not) and looking to connect with new (or even old) colleagues again, this week's stories are a great place to start. That’s where I leave you today, with some fantastic stories that hopefully lead you to even better conversations. As for me, my next ARTICLE is calling me.