An idle mind is a devil's workshop. Overthinking is the biggest challenge for humans. For intelligent people this can become a curse. Fear & greed drives us. Both lead to overthinking. Overthinking leads to confusion.
The mind starts to enjoy the overthinking & we never come to know as we think more. It slowly becomes a bad habit. Overthinking can become a disease.
So how does one overcome overthinking?
We overcome overthinking by thinking one thing at a time. This is easy to say but very difficult to do. Most people cant stop thinking in many directions.
Writing down your thoughts can be a good way to remove confusion or overthinking. When we see it clearly written down there is no need to overthink.
If you pursue your passion you stop thinking unnecessary things because you begin to enjoy what you are doing.
Observing your thoughts is a simple way to deal with overthinking. As you observe your thoughts they will vanish. This is also meditation.
What about you?
You can register for our next storytelling workshop at VFX Studio