1. Loneliness & Failure
2. Changing yourself fast
3. Heart vs Mind struggle
4. Letting go & expectations
I struggled with all of these.
Loneliness is what I never wanted but I always got. Till I moved from loneliness to solitude where I enjoy my company & don't need others to make me feel good.
Failure can shake up even the strongest person. It can question your existence. It also tests your patience & perseverance. Failure builds character. I had a weak character so I struggled more.
I struggled to changing myself. The struggle continues even today. It is tough to change fast because you need to move from comfort to discomfort. We all want to feel comfortable.
The heart vs mind struggle is real & experienced by so many. When I was a student I used to listen to my heart. When I started to work I started to listen to my mind. I made several mistakes & made wrong decisions & wasted years when I followed my mind.
I also got hurt when I followed my heart.
Letting go is probably the toughest challenge for humans. Letting go of materialism or people is tough.
Expectation is probably the root cause of misery. When we expect, we usually don't get & this leaves us feeling bad.
What do you struggle with?
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