1. Emotional Quotient(EQ) 2. Intelligence Quotient(IQ) 3. Political Quotient(PQ) 4. Spiritual Quotient(SQ)
Emotional Quotient is about understanding self & others, how well you manage your emotions. My self awareness was low so I struggled with understanding others. All of this can be learnt or developed.
Intelligence Quotient is the brains we have most of it is what we are born with. However we can improve on it to an extent.
Political Quotient is how you man-oeuvre through the organisation. Understanding the people, organisation & team dynamics to get success. All of this can be learnt easily.
Spiritual Quotient is how you deal with failures in your life. How you are connected to yourself is important for you to connect with others. Abundance in life comes from this. This can be learnt.
For success in life Spiritual Quotient is most important. Emotional Quotient is important for success in our career.
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